The Northwest Association for Financial Professionals (NWAFP) is a local networking group of experienced financial professionals navigating the issues facing the treasury field today. Our organization has been supporting the Puget Sound region for over 30 years.

We provide a forum for members to increase their professional skills and enhance the recognition of the treasury management profession. The NWAFP is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing: educational programs, networking opportunities and updated information on industry standards and legislation. We are comprised of representatives from leading companies and financial institutions throughout Puget Sound.


NWAFP announces its return to in-person meetings.  The September 2023, October 2023, April 2024 and May 2024 meetings will be held in person at the Washington Athletic Club in Downtown Seattle.  Lunch is included in these meetings.  The November 2023, January 2024, February 2024 and March 2024 meetings will be virtual.



The volunteer Board of Directors of the NWAFP is responsible for operation and strategic direction of the association. The board serves a two-year term, with approximately half standing election each year.

Board of Directors (July 2023 to June 2024)

Dan Peterson, CO-President

Mary Desmond, CO-President / Sponsorship

Sarah Avery,  VP Secretary / Program

Ania Burnatowski, VP Program / Website

Donna Burns, VP Secretary / Program

Billy Burton, VP Program / Membership / Marketing

Tiffany Y. Chen, VP Program

Aman Chhokar, VP Program

Patrick Guilfoy, Past-President, VP Treasurer / Website

Sarah Ursino, VP Membership / Marketing

Vidhi Jain, VP Program

Suzanne Kraus, VP Progam

Inderjit Lavert, VP Finance

Jared Masher, VP Program

Marc Menges, VP Program

Sharlene Morgan, VP Website 

Jarrett Olson, VP Program

Vance Raymond, VP Program

Tonya Shum, VP Website / Finance

Samma Wennerlind, VP Program / Secretary


Thank you, Doug Jones for allowing us to use your photos.

NWAFP may take photographs at events and publish them on our website and social media pages. Please avoid being in photos if you prefer not to have your photograph published.

For further information please contact the NWAFP at membership@nwafp.org or PO Box 12852 Seattle, WA 98101